Corn Contracts

Cash Contracts

A cash contract will be used if corn is sold for immediate (spot) delivery. Price Later corn, when sold, would be considered a cash contract.

Basis Contracts

Seller establishes the basis but does not set the futures level. These contracts are set up for thirty day delivery windows.

Price Later Contracts

Price Later contracts allow grain that is not priced to be delivered and priced at a later date. Title passes to E Energy Adams, LLC at the time of delivery. Price Later charges may change.

Forward Cash Contracts

Forward cash contracts are contracts that allow a producer to deliver the grain during a specified time frame. These contracts are set-up in thirty day delivery windows, usually month-by-month. Delivery is required within the terms of the contract.

Hedge to Arrive

Allows the producer to lock in a futures price, leaving the basis to be set at or before delivery.

Deferred Payments Contracts

Producer wants to price grain but does not want to recognize income until a later date.

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